
Simplistic cloud-native distributed scheduler, serverlessly built on top of AWS services

View the Project on GitHub trestini/delayer-aws


Some common terms used on documentation and ADR.


This is the main model of the delayer-aws system. The aim of the project is to provide a way to reliably delay executions for in the future, and the schedule is the model that hold all the information required to this.

delayer queue

Refers to the SQS queue which will hold the delayed messages that will be ready to be executed by Actions. In the time where the message containing a schedule become visible in this sqs queue, the sqs2sns procedure will dispatch this schedule to the action topic, which will fire a lambda function to execute the proper action.

layered concern

It’s a way to keep each concern in it’s own layer. Think that delayer-aws aims to provide a way to delay calls. Should not be a concern of the delayer-aws the historical data about the schedules that happened in the past. Nor even about the kind of data that is dealed inside of it’s components. Those concerns should be resolved in another layer (dashboard “layer”, analytics “layer”, and so on).

Each layer must: