
Simplistic cloud-native distributed scheduler, serverlessly built on top of AWS services

View the Project on GitHub trestini/delayer-aws

Schedule internal data structure

Context and Problem Statement

Define a default data structure for the schedule information within interal structures of delayer-aws. The outside schedule model was already defined.

Decision Drivers

Decision Outcome

The json structure of the schedule will be:

  scheduleId: "484a127d-6ce3-11e8-8fdd-fb8b5aab61ea",
  pointInTime: 1528662600,
  apiKey: "nVMIr6J5Do1qutXsZt1dhaaJfjyq4YgzThPQWkQ1",
  topicArn: "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:472249637553:http-request_action-topic",
  actionConfig: '{ "method" : "GET", "url" : "" }',
  context: '{ "headers" : [], "payload": "" }'
