
Simplistic cloud-native distributed scheduler, serverlessly built on top of AWS services

View the Project on GitHub trestini/delayer-aws

DynamoDB update strategy

Context and Problem Statement

In order to maintain the serverless nature of the project, a DynamoDB table was chosen as main persistence mechanism, which means that a schedule is primarily stored in DynamoDB and then distributed to other components, which in turn goes back to DynamoDB to update state. So, DynamoDB holds both state and historical data.

The problem here is that both warmer task-1minute-enqueuer and poller task-1minute-sqs2sns will concur by Dynamo resources and probably will be throttled (it’s easy to reproduce this behavior only by setting Dynamo’s read and write capacity to 1 and trying to send some hundreds of schedules while some other are moving from WARM state being enqueued in delayer queue).

Decision Drivers

Considered Options

Decision Outcome

Take the decision for the use of the DynamoDB introduced a new concept for the entire architecture: the layered concern.

The delayer-aws solution aims to provide a way to schedule future operations reliably. It’s not part of this system store or ingest or even present information about these schedules. In this sense, the use of DynamoDB is needed only because there’s a need of store schedules that could not be posted in delayer queue, and there’s only 2 options for those records: or they are in the delayer queue, or they’re not. That’s why the “state” field is needed, but it will not hold the entire lifecycle of a schedule.

With this in mind, we realize that all 3 options will be considered, but in different contexts:

How it should work

When a schedule is inserted, if their timeframe was greater then the timeframe of the delayer queue, the schedule is stored in DynamoDB with a currentStatus marked as NEW and a TTL of 1 hour after schedule time. When task-1minute-enqueuer runs and finds this scheduler, it will be updated to PROCESSED. After that, no more updates are made in DynamoDB.

For each event that occurs with this schedule, a message should be posted in the correspondent topic.

Don’t use state as a field in database

The state of a schedule is noted by currentStatus/currentState attribute in DynamoDB. The proposal of this optional is to treat state as part of the general flow of application:

  1. When scheduled, it’s COLD
  2. When warmer puts it on SQS, it’s WARM
  3. When poller publishes it on SNS is DOING
  4. When actions execute